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The Infant Schedule

Excipients, Informed Consent, and Package Inserts

As young mother I wanted the best for my children and followed the doctor’s orders. Unfortunately I was not given informed consent and two of my children suffered. My first born child was given all the vaccines on the schedule, with my subsequent children born a decade plus later, I was more cautious and did not allow them to be vaccinated as infants, and then only a few vaccines in late childhood/teenagers. My instinct was to forgo all of them. I saw what the vaccines did to my son, but I was pressured by both my kids, their father, and the doctor, to get them vaccinated. My daughter who was later injured and now lives with a life long autoimmune disorder, saw an ad on Instagram and thought she would die if she was not vaccinated for the chickenpox. The United States and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow direct advertising of medical products to consumers, including children and teenagers. Of all the viruses a kid can get this is the most benign.

The vaccine however is fraught with issues. Why would a doctor give this to a kid?! I questioned the doctor hard hoping he would side with me and tell her she didn’t need it. Instead this obese man with a medical degree proselytized to me how he was a vegan, not sure why he needed to tell me he was a vegan, that the vaccine ingredients were reformulated and there was only a little dead virus and saline in them now. Essentially he said, with a whiff of arrogance, “vaccines are safe and effective”. Now it makes all the sense in the world to me. Vaccines are as safe and effective as vegan bacon is meat. Sigh... Why did I allow this man to override me? Not everyone is injured by vaccines. I had the MMR in college and woefully thought if you’re older no problem. How ignorant I was.

My child’s injury was reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS. VAERS was created under the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act which indemnified all childhood vaccine manufacturers from liability. If you or your child are injured you cannot sue. If an adult receives a vaccine that is on the childhood schedule, they cannot sue either. The only recourse you have is to go through a government court that is run by a tribunal. Vaccines are medical products after all, not miracles from on high. They have risks and are not safe or effective for all people. How have we allowed this law to mandate our children’s health outcomes? It is abysmal.

Our population has more vaccines than ever before in human history, and we are sicker than ever. With all of our technology and advances in medicine 54% of children are chronically ill, this stat comes from a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2011. I wonder what that number is now? If vaccines are so effective why are our kids sick? I was flat out lied to and learned the hard way as I watched my son and daughter suffer from a preventable injury. If I only knew now what I didn’t know then…

We cannot go back, we can only move forward.

Let’s take a look at the vaccine schedule starting with infants. This will be the the first of many podcasts on vaccine safety. In the State of Connecticut the pressure is on to vaccinate children. What about informed consent? What about injury? What about bodily autonomy? None of that matters just shut up and do what you’re told. It is so bad in Connecticut that even pregnant mothers are pressured to get vaccines while pregnant. Many doctors will use school and daycare as a means of coercion. In 2021 Connecticut repealed the religious exemption for vaccination. It is fundamental to be given informed consent so that you can make the best decision for you and your family. The risk of injury is real, and unfortunately it is not rare.

Links and References:

Children’s Health

The Startling Statistics


Roto Virus


Intussusception refers to the invagination (telescoping) of a part of the intestine into itself. It is the most common abdominal emergency in early childhood, particularly in children younger than two years of age [1]. The majority of cases in children are idiopathic, and pathologic lead points are identified in only 25 percent of cases involving children [2]. Intussusception is unusual in adults, and the diagnosis is commonly overlooked. In the majority of cases in adults, a pathologic cause is identified [3].

The HEK293 human cell lineage is widely used in cell biology and biotechnology. Here we use whole-genome resequencing of six 293 cell lines to study the dynamics of this aneuploid genome in response to the manipulations used to generate common 293 cell derivatives, such as transformation and stable clone generation (293T); suspension growth adaptation (293S); and cytotoxic lectin selection (293SG). Remarkably, we observe that copy number alteration detection could identify the genomic region that enabled cell survival under selective conditions (i.c. ricin selection). Furthermore, we present methods to detect human/vector genome breakpoints and a user-friendly visualization tool for the 293 genome data. We also establish that the genome structure composition is in steady state for most of these cell lines when standard cell culturing conditions are used. This resource enables novel and more informed studies with 293 cells, and we will distribute the sequenced cell lines to this effect.

What Are HEK293 Cells?

HEK293 cells are Human Embryonic Kidney cells, originally isolated and grown by Dutch biologist Alex Van der Eb in the early 1970s. They were transfected with sheared adenovirus 5 (Ad5) DNA by Frank Graham, a postdoc in Van der Eb’s lab. It was his 293rd experiment, which is why they got the tag HEK293. (1)

Incorporating the adenoviral genes into the HEK cell genome resulted in the cells becoming very efficient at producing high amounts of recombinant proteins from plasmid vectors carrying the CMV promoter region.

So, are HEK293T cells the same thing? Not exactly. The ‘T’ in the name of this daughter cell line comes from the incorporation of the SV40 large T antigen into the HEK293 genome – this means they are able to produce large amounts of protein from plasmids vectors carrying the SV40 origin of replication.

Caution for the routine use of phenol red - It is more than just a pH indicator

Porcine Circovirus Diseases

ByJoaquim Segalés, DVM, PhD, DECPHM, DECVP, Department of Animal Health and Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Reviewed/Revised Feb 2021

Generation of PK-15 cell lines highly permissive to porcine circovirus 2 infection by transposon-mediated interferon-gamma gene transfer

Cellosaurus PK-15 (CVCL_2160)

WI 38

Comparison of WI-38, MRC-5, and IMR-90 cell strains for isolation of viruses from clinical specimens

DAPTACEL (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis

Vaccine Adsorbed)

Suspension for Intramuscular Injection

Use of supplemented Stainer-Scholte broth for the isolation of Bordetella pertussis from clinical material.

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary

Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine

Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States


These highlights do not include all the information needed to use

PREVNAR 13 safely and effectively. See full prescribing information

for PREVNAR 13.

FEBRUARY 05, 2019

The Rotavirus Vaccine: A Case Study in Government Corruption and Malfeasance

As it so happened, in October 1999, the first rotavirus vaccine licensed for use in the US, Wyeth’s RotaShield, was withdrawn from the market because it was found to be causing intussusception, an often excruciating and potentially fatal condition in which part of the intestine telescopes into itself.

…while the FDA instructed Wyeth on specific areas it ought to focus its postmarketing safety studies, the risk of intussusception was not one of them..

In addition to the conflicts of interest within the CDC, the FDA had approved RotaShield as “safe” despite clinical trials having shown an increased incidence of intussusception in vaccinated infants.

Since the increased risk did not reach statistical significance, this finding was dismissed as “probably due to chance” by the FDA’s advisory committee—which, again, included three out of five members having ties to pharmaceutical companies developing rotavirus vaccines.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but in his or her discretion,

results in the vaccination being medically contraindicated, including,

but not limited to, any autoimmune disorder, family history of any

autoimmune disorder, family history of any reaction to a vaccination,”

The Pink Book

1986 Vaccine Injury Act



The Sparks Report
The Sparks Report Podcast
I cover topics that the MSM and Big Tech censors! From medical freedom, alternative health, dare I say the word, vaccines, health mandates, liberty, and personal sovereignty. Sprinkled with original music and a concert series. The news hurts, music heals.