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The Man of sCiEnCe

The madness of lock downs, masking, and mandates!

On Monday, June 3rd, 2024, Dr. Anthony Fauci testified publicly for the first time before congress since retiring. Fauci’s “science” was the catalyst for draconian medical mandates. Life under Fauci was hell. I lost my son and my stepfather during COVID mandates. My mother was denied access to her dying husband because of COVID mandates. I purchased fake mesh masks and vaccine cards for my teenagers and young adult because of mandates.

I will never forget what was done due to a paid for expert who made MILLIONS of dollars from his MRNA patent with Moderna.

Will you?

Links and References:

Oversight Committee

Moderna wins COVID shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe

However, Moderna/US NIAID (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2 or Comirnaty®) were the first mRNA-LNP vaccines to enter clinical trials and receive emergency authorization and regulatory approvals (Pfizer-LOA-051021, 2021; Moderna-LOA-08312022, 2022).

Moderna pays US government $400M 'catch-up payment' under new COVID-19 vaccine license

The Sparks Report
The Sparks Report Podcast
I cover topics that the MSM and Big Tech censors! From medical freedom, alternative health, dare I say the word, vaccines, health mandates, liberty, and personal sovereignty. Sprinkled with original music and a concert series. The news hurts, music heals.